Wigge provides qualified legal advice regarding all types of corporate law matters and commercial agreements arising in a company’s day-to-day business.

Our engaged specialists within Corporate Commercial have extensive experience from assisting shareholders, directors, and senior executives with corporate-law matters, such as regulatory compliance, minority shareholder rights, capital protection, board responsibility and questions regarding corporate governance.

Having a good understanding of business considerations, we offer legal and commercial advice on ongoing corporate and contractual law matters as well as commercial issues to both Swedish and international clients. One of our strengths is corporate law expertise combined with broad experience in financing and M&A, and we always adapt our advice to the current situation.

We regularly assist our clients in reviewing, drafting and negotiating a variety of contracts, e.g. confidentiality agreements, shareholder agreements, cooperation agreements, joint venture agreements, licence agreements, outsourcing, general terms and conditions, agent and distribution agreements as well as purchase, manufacturing, and supplier agreements.



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