Regulation 2019/2088 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector sets disclosure requirements for financial markets participants and financial advisers. Wigge & Partners has organized a webinar hosted by partner Frida Sander, head of our Funds & Investments Practice where our senior associate Katja Flittner lectured about the new legal requirements for fund managers together with practical examples.
Sustainable finance related regulations set up requirements on transparency and information disclosure, taxonomy and organizational matters. The first requirements in accordance with the Regulation on sustainability‐related disclosures shall apply as of 10 of March 2021. The regulation sets up requirements both for entity level (fund manager) and product level (fund) and means new disclosure obligations for products with a sustainable objective, products promoting sustainable characteristics as well as non-sustainable products. The new regulations also set requirements for risk management.
Find our checklist about sustainable finance below: