tbd30 AB has entered into an agreement to acquire all shares in Spolargruppen Sverige AB (“SPG”), a Swedish leading player in pipe lining (so-called relining) and pipe flushing. SPG, with a turnover amounting to approx. SEK 500 million on an annual basis and with good profitability, has a high proportion of revenue from repeat customers and a well-diversified revenue from corporate customers mainly. As part of the continued financing, a number of institutional and other investors, including Lannebo Fonder and Carnegie Fonder, have undertaken to subscribe for 1,500,000 new class A shares in tbd30 in a directed new share issue at SEK 100 per share.
The transaction team consisted of Peter Bäärnhielm (Partner), Henrik Wenckert (Partner), Henrik Fritz (Partner), Louise Sörelind (Senior Associate) and Klara Larsson (Associate).